Sunday, June 7, 2015

Jailbreak iOS 8.4 with Taig 8.4

Now you can jailbreak your iOS 8.1.3 version using TaiG 2 , TaiG team released the TaiG 2 tool to jailbreak iOS 8.1.3 , 8.2 , 8.3 and 8.4. You can also download the TaiG 2 tool from website. You can use website if you want to download TaiG1 version

You cannot jailbreak iOS 8.4 using TaiG 1 tool. You have to download the TaiG1 tool if you are iOS 8.1.1 or 8.1.2 user Download TaiG 2 Premium - iOS 8.4/8.3/8.2/8.1.3

How to prepare Device to TaiG iOS 8.4 jailbreak?

  • * Download TaiG 1 or 2 version from above link according to your iOS version 
  • * You have to submit email address to get authorizing code and use this code run TaiG 2 premium software. You don't want to register TaiG 1 free tool
  • * Disable Find My iPhone feature and disable Touch ID passcode and all running passcodes
  • * Make sure do Device Backup before start the process.

Jailbreak process of TaiG 2

  • Connect Device to PC and run TaiG tool
  • Once Device identified jailbreak start button will become green color
  • Click jailbreak button
  • Uncheck “3K Assistant” button and it will skip to install Chinese app store and keep as it is Cydia 
  • install check mark (Do not uncheck) 
  • Now you will receive “Storage Almost Full” message – eliminate it and continue the process  
  • Jailbreak is progressing once complete check with HomeScreen to find Cydia application.

TaiG1 tool is still working well to jailbreak up to iOS 8.1.2 for all the Windows user. It’s latest version is 1.2. All the iOS 8+ versions are included as supported versions such as iOS 8.1.2, 8.1.1, 8.1, 8.0.2 and iOS 8.0. But, it is not included the iOS 8.1.3 version, which is released by the Apple as the latest. Every device user can upgrade this on their devices now. How ever, still it has no Cydia.

Apple has closed the jailbreak support for this. TaiG support as well as PP Jailbreak supports are not working any more on the iOS 8.1.3 version. We have to wait until upgrade these tool version or Pangu8 tool version to run Cydia into it. These three tool’s developers have confirmed that starting of doing experiments. Most probably, TaiG tool will do something for this matter. So, invite you to wait, until TaiG confirmed their success of jailbreak iOS 8.1.3 for Cydia. Until then, use following button to download the latest TaiG version for iOS 8.1.2 and below version’s jailbreaks.

TaiG team is working to release iOS 8.3 and iOS 8.4 upgraded version. 

Read more about PP jailbreak 8.3 and Pangu 8.3 

TaiG - Jailbreak iOS 8.1.3

Confirmed supporting iDevices of TaiG download tool

  • iPhones - iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6, iPhone 5S, iPhone 5C, iPhone 5, iPhone 4S
  • iPads - iPad Air 2 , iPad Air, iPad Mini 3, iPad Mini 2, iPad Mini, iPad 4, iPad
  • iPod Touches - iPod Touch 5.

How to preparing TaiG jailbreak

  • Getting the backup is important thing as usual.
  • Disable Lock screen pass codes, Touch ID and Find My iPhone feature.
  • Turn on the AirPlane mode.
  • Download the Taig Windows version and extract it.
  • Now, it is ready to complete the jailbreak process for Cydia.

Jailbreak guide of Taig (Windows users only)

  • Step 01. Run the TaiGJBreak_1006.exe tool as Administrator
  • Step 02. Keep the Cydia 1.1.16 check box on, while turn off the Chinese characters line’s check box.
  • Step 03. Wait until Taig identifies your iDevice.
  • Step 04. Click on the green jailbreak button. Then it will start the jailbreak.
  • Step 05. Finally, you will have Cydia on your iOS 8.1.1 or iOS 8.1.2 device. This tool still not compatible with iOS 8.1.3

PP Jailbreak tool

PP Jailbreak team also released the Jailbreak for iOS 8.1.3 - 8.4. However they have modified the TaiG software release this tool. Read more about PP jailbreak for iOS 8.4 

TaiG was a 100% Chinese application past. Earlier time they came with Evasi0n 7 jailbreak. At that time, they weren’t a jailbreak tool. TaiG worked just like Cydia for Chinese users. How ever, this time they came as the jailbreak tool developer to install Cydia app only. Most probably, it will have Cydia for rest of the Chinese as well as TaiG app for Chinese. 

TaiG team is working to exploit  to jailbreak for iOS 8.1.3 with next taiG version

TaiG 1.2 version was released for iOS 8.1.2 jailbreak. Now, Cydia lovers can use same tool version to jailbreak iOS 8.1.2, iOS 8.1.1, iOS 8.1, iOS 8.0.2, iOS 8.0 and iOS 8.2 beta version. TaiG team still pays attention for Windows version only. So, this new released one also works for Windows as untethered. Mac version is not available yet. But you have to use PPjailbreak tool to jailbreak up to iOS 8.1.3 

If you are familiar to jailbreak iOS 8.0, iOS 8.0.2 and iOS 8.1 with Pangu8 download tool, still you can use it. Use Pangu8 link for it. Even if, Pangu won’t be able to release tool version to jailbreak iOS 8.2 for Cydia, we will have TaiG tool version for it.
